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Pelvic Health

Having a healthy pelvic floor is key for solving common issues related to urinary incontinence or discomfort when urinating.

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The Importance of Pelvic Floor Health

If you are plagued by urinary incontinence, you are not alone. According to a 2022 study, over 3,000 women age 20 and older reported experiencing urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence can take many forms, and it doesn’t just affect women. Men also suffer from urinary incontinence. 


But how does this relate to pelvic health? Many research reports show that effective pelvic health therapy can be used to treat urinary incontinence in both men and women. 


The muscles that control the flow of urination are called the “pelvic floor” muscles. These muscles literally form a floor for your pelvis and are attached in the front to your pubic bone, in the back to your tailbone, and to the surrounding deep connective tissue. These muscles surround the urethra, where urine exits, the vagina (in women) and the anus. 


In addition to controlling the flow of urination, they also control the release of feces and gas, help support the pelvic organs, and provide stability for the low back and hips. If these muscles are weak, there can be involuntary leakage of urine, feces or gas.

Your First Pelvic Health PT Session: What to Expect

As a pelvic health physical therapist certified in helping patients with urinary incontinence, I help women and men build their pelvic floor muscles and develop improved habits that will reduce or eliminate urinary incontinence.


Prior to your appointment, I will ask you to fill out a standardized survey that will define your diagnosis and detail how it affects your life. A follow-up consultation will address your symptoms, triggers, management techniques, and goals. 


Next, I will conduct a physical evaluation of all the muscles involved in the control of voiding urine and evacuating the bowels, including:

  • Abdomen

  • Back

  • Buttocks

  • Hips

  • Pelvic floor

A Note on Internal Evaluations

An internal evaluation of pelvic floor muscles may be conducted with your permission. This involves the clinician carefully inserting gloved finger(s) into the vagina or anus and then asking you to perform contractions of the pelvic floor to determine the strength, endurance and coordination of these muscles. I will use this data to design a personalized home exercise program for you. 


If you are not comfortable or not able to do an internal exam, a less precise external exam of the pelvis floor muscles may also be used where the clinician feels the contraction of the PF muscles externally between the bones you sit on and the anus. 


Your comfort is my priority, and no examination or treatment procedure will be performed without your full understanding and informed consent.

Although not required, you are always welcome to bring a trusted friend, partner, or family member to any of your appointments.


Please reach out to me for more information about how I can help you regain control of your bladder and live a blissfully “dry” life!

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